Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pre-Trip Prep

Today dawned sunny and warm. After yesterday's rain which pinned us inside we headed out this morning for a run. We were not disappointed by wildlife. We were however camera less so you people get nothing, but we spotted two bunnies. A big hit for the girls who have heard me talk about seeing bunnies along the path and kept lamenting about why they never see any (could be the singing they do as we hum along). So needless to say two was a big hit. Plus we were able to catch numerous duck sightings. Chloe also established herself as coach today and announced we should run 6 today. I agreed but forgot about a pretty steep hill between the 3 and 3 1/2.
Tomorrow we are venturing off the Maine to visit Grammie Eva, or as Lexa likes to call her "Grammie over the ocean", for a few days. This required a few things in preparation. It is a seven to eight hour drive. So we stock up on movies for the portable DVD player. A little device I picked up for free with credit card points, and let me just stop right here and praise the inventors of such a little god send. It must have been a woman traveling great distances with children all on her own too. My kids get to watch one night of videos a week- period. But for this road trip it will be one after another. Whatever leaves me in peace is my motto. Take a look at this:

You are all seeping with jealousy I know. I actually am able to tune it out- I am quite proud of that talent.

I also bathed the dog for the trip. Nothing like eight hours trapped in the car with Mr. Stinky.

Cabbie always feels it is important to beat up your towel after your bath. It is best to work the indignities out one way or another.

Just to wet your appetites this is where we are headed:


  1. Hey, no fair. You've got "Dora" movies AND "My Pretty Pony? Now I wanna come! Because, you know, if there's anything that puts me in the road-trip spirit, it's listening again and again to little stories acted out in squeaky voices and punctuated by incessantly cheerful rhyming songs that teach good manners. Did you leave room for my suitcase?

  2. I was thinking of you when I took the picture! Knew you would be jealous!
