Saturday, May 25, 2013

YAM Scram

The girls ran the YAM Scram again this year. This year was horrible in terms of weather. It was cold, pouring rain, and wind. But they did it!
Here is Chloe at the start. Look for the tallest pink rain coat hood out there.
And their off!
Coming around for the first lap!
The sprint for the finish!
Alexa huddled in the tent before her race started.
Alexa, Annabel, and I at the finish line.
It was a driving wind and rain and they were still smiling at the end!

Art Opening

The girls had an art opening on Friday night. Their classes had beenw orking with an artist in residence and the resulting projects were on display. as it turned out just Chloe's class stuff was there. They only had a small portion of Alexa's class stuff there. Chloe created three prints.
The red turtle is her creation.
She also had to create some designs to represent Vermont. Her first idea was the dog with the I heart Vermont sign...
Since it is a collage a portion of him is covered by the another students.
Her other Vermont representation was this design.
I think the state should consider this one. You can see the shape of Vermont near the center. The circles (on the right) have names of different countries and continents on them and lines pull them to Vermont. The woven lines goes out the other side from Vermont leading to a peace sign and heart. She said it shows that people from all different countries combine together in Vermont to live in peace and love. Pretty deep stuff for 10 huh?

Alexa was a bit dissapointed to see her sculpture wasn't there. But she did think that since it was the Firehouse Gallery that the pole must be left over from the firemen and should be tested out.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Birthday Number 41

The girls kept with our tradition and decorated a birthday cake for me.
This year I got a bunny and confetti theme.
And singing. Lots of singing.

Science Fair

Chloe particpated in her first science fair. I think it was really more of an invention fair, but she particpated regardless. I was a little fuzzy on the requirements, and it seemed to complicate matters if I asked a lot of questions. So in the end I just supplied the materials she needed. She created a pencil mobile.