Monday, August 31, 2009

Farmer Alexa

I took these pictures the other day, but they really didn't fit with the post. They are too cute for a me not to put out though. Alexa is such a girly girl. She loves to wear dresses. Grammie Sharon got her these overalls. They are perfect. If Alexa was going to do the farmer thing this is what she needs pink, pink, pink.
That's all I got people. Too tired for anything more.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Race to the Top of Vermont

This race will go down as one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time. Similar to ordering extra spicy Mexican food or getting married. Where upon soon there after it becomes obvious that it may not have been the best choice. I did however end up with new T-shirt, a healthy respect for my lungs, and no court time which is more than I can say for the marriage. What ever way you look at it 4.3 miles of running up something like 2500 vertical feet is hard.
When I got to the Midway Lodge where we picked up our registration materials and looked up, I saw this.

Notice the top is masked in clouds? That will become a theme as we go a long here. I also thought me and my bright ideas.

I really had no idea what to expect. Having run mostly marathons over the last few years, I had not a clue how my body would react to this. My legs were actually OK. (I may feel different about that tomorrow) My lungs, however, were killing me and my heart rate was crazy high. There were some sections I actually walked (and I never walk a race) just to get my heart rate back down. I finished in 60 minutes flat. It is about where I guessed I would be based on looking at the finish times for people last year. As I neared the top the fog was thick and the wind picked up. I was starting to get cold even while running. I passed a woman wearing a winter hat and I wanted to snatch it off her head. My ears were starting to hurt.

The top was so disappointing as it was enclosed in fog. You run all the way up and you couldn't even see anything.

I snapped a photo of me (lovely no?) just to prove I was there.

It was really chilly and windy up there. I had sent up warm clothes via the shuttle. I layered up and started to head back down. I reached a place a little below the summit and snapped this picture down to the parking lot where my car was. See the red Subaru down there? Way down there?

You were suppose to either walk/run down or grab a ride with someone. Since I was by myself I really wasn't sure about randomly asking people for a ride. On the way down though I walked past someone who said, "Hi Angela." It turned out to be our school psychologist and her husband. They offered me a ride with them and I gladly accepted.

It was a unique experience to run the race. I don't know if it something I would do again. It is too soon after to tell. It was interesting running a race with mountain bikers. I don't know who had it harder. I actually passed quite a few bikers on the way up. One guy was pulling his baby daughter in a trailer. When I passed him I looked in the trailer and the baby was asleep! That was the way to go up.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Science Rules

Today was a rainy day. One that kept us indoors. I was attempting the futile effort of cleaning the house. Futile in the fact that as I cleaned each room the girls dug things out and messed it back up again. In that effort Chloe brought some of her science equipment down from her room (thank you Auntie Kim and aunt Cherie). They had a grand old time experimenting and examining.

We played around with chromatography, examined salt crystals, and the always favorite, baking soda and vinegar. Never met a kid who didn't like to watch that.

One of the gorier moments occurred when we let the dog out and realize there was a hornet crawling on the inside doormat. I grabbed the shoe (you can read about the high heeled shoe on an earlier blog post if you are really that bored and cooped up on your own rainy day) and squashed the bug. Since it was on the rug it died but was still pretty well preserved. Chloe decided to scoop him up and check him out up close. It was really neat to see her so interested in the body of the hornet. It took me back to my own advanced bio days and dissecting the cat.
All in the name of science.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Living Room Conversations

I happened to overhear this conversation tonight while I was making dinner.

Alexa: Lets be princesses Chloe.

Chloe: OK, and we can make it a princess party. We can decorate everything.

Alexa: OK

Chloe: And Mommy is making dinner so that can be the dinner at the party and Mommy can be the castle cook.

I would have liked to tell you that I had a witty rebuttal. That I scoffed at being the castle cook. But I actually think that may be a really accurate description of my life. Cooking for the princesses. Pretty much sums it up doesn't it?

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Since Alexa was a baby she has watched her sister attend school. First preschool a few days a week, and then on to kindergarten. Alexa has always been a smiley happy baby.

Truly, just an all around love bug.

However even Alexa has her moments, and for the last year she has been campaigning to go to school. Well, today she got her wish. Today was Alexa's first day of preschool. As you might expect her earlier excitement turned to anxiety and fears. She was nervous. We had a nice pep talk over breakfast, and decided that she should bring a stuffed friend for company.

She chose baby giraffe. Her special present she picked up at the Phoenix Zoo in February and off we went.

Notice the backpack is about as big as she is...

And yes, I cried after dropping her off. Because I am just that kind of mush ball.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Moth, a Grasshopper, and a Dragonfly Walk Into a Bug House

It sounds like a new twist on the age old joke, but it was what really happened. Except for the walking part, they were more snagged in a net and shoved in. But it was all in the name of science.

Both girls have bug nets. They enjoy trying to catch interesting things in them.

Sometimes that means you can accidentally "catch" your sister.


Chloe has gotten pretty good at catching things. This is the first time I have seen her catch more than one. The moth was first, followed by the grasshopper and then the dragonfly. I am not sure how the bugs felt about sharing such close quarters, but the kids had fun watching them.

The Alexa went on to catch this massive dragonfly. I am not sure who was more surprised the dragonfly or Alexa. It was her first catch. It was so big it wouldn't fit in the bug house. We examined it in the net for a bit and then let it go. At which point Cabbie thought he would try his luck...

sorry bud.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tooth Be Gone

The inevitable happened this morning over a bowl of Rice Krispies, of all things. Chloe's tooth was out after a good sized chomp and a little tug.

She is excited to note she has some new tricks:

Sticking your tongue through it...

and drinking from a straw and smiling at the same time being two immediate favorites. The tooth in question shown (photo by Chloe she wanted to make sure everyone saw it) here arrived in her mouth the week of her first birthday (according to my baby book records).

It is now stowed safely in her tooth pillow.

awaiting the arrival of the tooth fairy tonight. Chloe has been brushing that tooth with extra vigilance the last few nights with hope that she will get extra money if the tooth is extra shiny.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


A problem has arisen in our household. It involves this rather shady looking creature shown here.Usually a mild mannered creature prone to long naps and cleaning crumbs off the floor. Cabbie has take the role of explorer. While my yard is completely enclosed by fence he has, shall we say nudged, his way under a section of fence.

Armed with some wire, wire cutters, this tool

(which I have no idea what it is called or that I even owned it for that matter I found it in my shed), and my trusty assistant.
We set to work today to thwart the plan of the traveling Cabbie. Behold our finished project.

Hopefully it will hold him back at least for a few more months. Until the four feet of snow fall back there and he walks out only as far as I bother to shovel.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Alphabet Hair

For whatever the reason Alexa has adopted a new habit. Her morning routine always involves brushing her hair. I usually encourage her to pull it back because she likes to keep it long. That way it doesn't tangle or end up with as much food in it. As she has gotten older, and become more opinionated about her hair, I have added options: one pony tail, two, or a braid, etc. The last few days she has requested hair styles the shape of letters.

Where this idea arrived from I have no idea. The first day she asked me to make her hair in an "O". I said I would try and with using about 7 ponytails holders was able to pull it off. Yesterday she asked for and "A". I did it, and she wore it downstairs asking Chloe to guess the letter. Right away Chloe got it so she was encouraged. Later yesterday when we were getting Chloe's haircut the stylist was really taken with Alexa's hair do. I explained the request and my attempt to fulfill it. They could see the resemblance right away and praised her creativity.

She has been nothing but motivated to give me more requests. Today it was an "X".

I am afraid that one of these days were are going to get to a "W" or a "B". I am looking at letters much more carefully than I ever have before.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Loose Tooth

Look at it! Just hanging there...

Me: Can I pull that out?

Chloe: No

Me: Please? It is just hanging there.

Chloe: No

Me: Please?

Chloe: NO!

Me: Please

Chloe: NOOO!

Me: Pretty please?

Chloe: (giggle giggle) No

Me: Sigh

Chloe: Do you think the Tooth Fairy will wiggle on it while I am sleeping?

Me: Maybe.... can I pull it out now?

Chloe: NO MOMMY!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Little Science and Power of a New Pair of Shoes

Sometimes when I sit down to write about an event that captures our day, I can't pick just one thing. So I hope you will excuse the fact that I am going to show two stories today that I found amusing with really no transition between the two. I hope the English teachers out there among you and my sister, the professional editor, will let it slide.

After running some errands this morning, attempting to get the girls set for back to school with clothes and shoes. I shooed them outside to cool off in the wading pool. They discovered a grasshopper on the fence and Chloe trapped him in her net. We then transferred him to the bug house for further inspection.

They were pretty captivated by the guy. I loved how into examining him they were.

We did release him at dinner time so no grasshoppers were harmed in the writing of this blog.

Switching gears entirely, after bath I helped Alexa get in her pajamas. She asked if she could put on her new sneakers. I told her if she wanted to wear them to brush her teeth it was OK with me. I should mention here that as a result of running with me in the jogger for most of the summer. Alexa wants to run. She often runs home after we are done with the run. Sometimes over a half a mile- she has little legs. Her sneakers from last year do not fit. I bought her some sports sandals to wear this summer. I have been holding out on getting her new sneakers until closer to fall as her feet would have grown out of them. She has desperately wanted running sneakers.
Well... today she got them.

Pretty fancy huh?

She ran up and down the hallway testing them out.

As anyone who has ever run will tell you there is nothing like a new pair of shoes.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Grown Up Dinner

The girls and I have been having a wonderful visit with Grammie Sharon. They headed off this afternoon to have a sleep over at their dad's house. Grammie kindly decided that she wanted to take me out to dinner. This was a wonderful offer as I rarely eat out and the chance to eat in a "grown up" restaurant sounded like a wonderful luxury to me.

I got to pick the restaurant and opted for Parima. A wonderful Thai restaurant that I haven't been to in probably eight years. A place that I would not get to go with my children as it does not offer cheese quesadillas or macaroni and cheese. It was extremely hot and humid here today and after the walk downtown it was deliciously cool in the restaurant.

I realized as we walked in that, due to the heat today, I hadn't had much of an appetite. Smelling the food scent made me notice how hungry I was. Sharon decided we should order a couple of appetizers. We chose some spring rolls and dumplings. The spring roll plate contained two rolls and the dumpling four (small) ones. It took the edge off the hunger, but I was definitely eager for the main course. I had ordered a salmon roll with caper sauce. It arrived and I paused to look at my plate. It contained eight medium leaves of Romain lettuce, a five inch by one inch piece of salmon, and a half a cup of noodles, plus a dish of sauce. Now I know I am not a large person, but let me assure you- I like to eat. This was not much food. I had also envisioned it coming all put together. Some how when I have to put my food together it kind feels like I might as well have cooked it myself. It also leads me to wonder why I have to keep ordering things in my life that come to me needing to be put together.

The restaurant is small, and soon after we arrived a three piece jazz band began to unpack and warm up. It became obvious that the band was going to over power the small restaurant. The comedy of the plate containing eight leaves of lettuce that I was suppose to assemble and roll into my dinner along with the jazz band warming up cancelling out all conversation made me start to laugh.

We followed up our dinner with a trip around the corner to Ben and Jerry's. Where I filled myself up on a waffle cone of Phish food, that I believe was the same size as my plate of dinner. It was a yummy treat on a hot summer day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Birthday Parties

I believe one of the great reasons that we have two parents is to balance off each other. One parent probably likes or enjoys something the other does not. This is where I come to admit that I dislike kid's birthday parties. I know it seems really grumpy to say out loud, but it is true. They drive me nuts. Please understand I give my children parties. I just see it as a chore. A big ugly chore like cleaning out the basement or organizing files.

My ex-husband on the other hand loves kids birthday parties. Kids see him as I giant jungle gym. Something to sit on and hang from. Needless to say I usually pawn the job of taking the girls to birthday parties off on him. In an even swap I promise to take them shopping for training bras when the time comes. I figure it is an even trade as he is woefully unqualified for the latter.
The girls were invited to a party today. It was hosted by one of my co-workers. Therefore I kinda had to be the one to go. They are always so good about coming to my girl's parties. So we all got dressed up, even me.

Alexa took my picture since I was taking theirs.

This was the first time the girls had ever been to a party where there was a pinata. This poor Unicorn quickly become headless.

Alexa was so unsure about the whole pinata things. She is very reserved when people first meet her. She is especially shy with men and Caroline's (birthday girl) dad is very tall, heavy set, and bearded.

They also hired a magician to come. Chloe was absolutely captivated by him.

Chloe assisting with the magic show.

He also made balloon animals. Let me just pause here and mention that I hate balloons. Hate the smell and loath the squeaky noise they make. For me just to blow up balloons for my kids parties is a major overcoming. The task of sitting there while the man made balloon animals...nine of them... drove me nuts. I noticed at one point my hand was clenched into a fist the noise was bugging me so much. They could not picked a more torturous event for me... and I have had to sit through a Zachary's Pizza birthday too!
I am so not up for the next party chaparone.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Building a Scooter

I got the brilliant idea to take my credit card points and redeem them to get the girls scooters. They choose the Disney Princess scooters. I know you are all seeping with jealousy. Especially my sister Andrea as she is such a huge fan of the Disney Company and all of their products. Cherie might be a close second because she knows when my girls outgrow it I am dumping... uh... I mean giving them to her for her own little people to use. (No use trying to ward off the princesses Curry!)

It might surprise you to know (I know it did me) that these things arrive in pieces. Lots of pieces. With vague directions. Directions that were really just one page with a diagram and a lot of arrows. Not to mention their own little tools.

Why does everything I buy lately come with its own little assembly device?

At least the couch was kind enough to come with two men to put it together. I think the UPS man could have hung around longer. Really was it necessary to dump it one the back porch and run? At any rate needless to say I was feeling some pressure as I opened to the boxes this morning with two eager faces staring at me and looked in at all the small parts. I will tell you I skipped taking any photos of the assembly process as I was still drinking coffee in my pajamas and felt it was kinder to spare you all that view. Let's just say I got them both together. I did have these things left over.

But I mean how important could they be really?

Upon finishing my girls promptly spent time hanging various stuffed animals on them and cutting the boxes apart for art projects. So it turns out I should have just bought a couple hangers and boxes.

I did finally get them outside on them and look... they worked. They are of course strapped in helmets in the event that nut really was suppose to go to something.

And the other bright side is those two new little tools can join the Allen wrench collection from my new office chair and futon couch. Who said I didn't use my tool box?