Thursday, August 20, 2009

Loose Tooth

Look at it! Just hanging there...

Me: Can I pull that out?

Chloe: No

Me: Please? It is just hanging there.

Chloe: No

Me: Please?

Chloe: NO!

Me: Please

Chloe: NOOO!

Me: Pretty please?

Chloe: (giggle giggle) No

Me: Sigh

Chloe: Do you think the Tooth Fairy will wiggle on it while I am sleeping?

Me: Maybe.... can I pull it out now?

Chloe: NO MOMMY!


  1. Well? Ith it out yet? The thuthpenth ith killing me!

  2. I feel your pain on this! Claire had the worst snaggle teeth for the last three weeks of school. I kept telling her how goofy she looked and everything--nothing got to her.

    Good luck.
