Monday, August 24, 2009

Tooth Be Gone

The inevitable happened this morning over a bowl of Rice Krispies, of all things. Chloe's tooth was out after a good sized chomp and a little tug.

She is excited to note she has some new tricks:

Sticking your tongue through it...

and drinking from a straw and smiling at the same time being two immediate favorites. The tooth in question shown (photo by Chloe she wanted to make sure everyone saw it) here arrived in her mouth the week of her first birthday (according to my baby book records).

It is now stowed safely in her tooth pillow.

awaiting the arrival of the tooth fairy tonight. Chloe has been brushing that tooth with extra vigilance the last few nights with hope that she will get extra money if the tooth is extra shiny.


  1. She's got the timing down perfectly, doesn't she? Tooth arrives right in time for first birthday, and falls out right in time for first grade. Ah, a storybook romance...

  2. Yea, Chloe! Congrats on losing a tooth. Sure is a fancy tooth fairy pillow you have there. My poor kids have little ziplocs they use.
