Friday, August 28, 2009

Living Room Conversations

I happened to overhear this conversation tonight while I was making dinner.

Alexa: Lets be princesses Chloe.

Chloe: OK, and we can make it a princess party. We can decorate everything.

Alexa: OK

Chloe: And Mommy is making dinner so that can be the dinner at the party and Mommy can be the castle cook.

I would have liked to tell you that I had a witty rebuttal. That I scoffed at being the castle cook. But I actually think that may be a really accurate description of my life. Cooking for the princesses. Pretty much sums it up doesn't it?


  1. Now you know how Cabbie the evil dragon feels.

  2. Everybody's gotta be somebody. Hee hee.

    You could for princesses--I think I'm cooking for the frogs.

    Wow, that wasn't nice. I was just teasing--mostly. :)
