Sunday, June 21, 2009

Let's Talk about Pajamas Shall We?

OK now I feel I should begin this by saying I am not a prudish person. At least I don't think I am, but there is a trend in the fashion industry that is beginning to make me wonder. I noticed that all of Chloe's summer pajamas (yes, here in the great north we have summer pajamas and winter pajamas- made of fleece lots and lots of fleece) were getting rather small. I thought well we shall just pop out and pick out some new ones. Now see that was were innocent little me was unaware of the fashion industry considered my sweet little girl to be a 25 year old seductress.

I was shocked... disgusted... and then back to shocked again. I became one of those women who wonder around the clothes racks clucking her tongue, shaking her head, and muttering. Seriously people she is six! I am looking for puppies, kitties, flowers, penguins. Who is making these lacy, spaghetti strapped, plunging necklines in a size 6X? And better yet who is buying it?

Three stores and racks of clothes later I came away with two night gowns one Hello Kitty, one Little Mermaid- complete with slippers and a magic wand (it seems not to work I tried tapping my head and muttering there is no place like home a few times and nothing), and a shorts/tank top combo with a white cat. I cannot believe the effort it takes to buy little girls clothes for little girls. If it is in a size 6X or 7 people it is for a 6- 8 year old girl. That is anywhere from grades 1-3 just to connect that for people who are unaware.

What is wrong with these people who make and sell these products? Moreover what is wrong with the people who are buying it? As any one who has ever spent anytime teaching adolescent girls will tell you, you do not want to teach them that this is how they should identify themselves.

This sexually suggestive thing seems to be only directed at little girls. I looked at the boys stuff: trucks, construction equipment, sports. There were some with pictures of wrestlers. Personally I can not imagine encouraging your child to view these people as role models. Hey, we would like to to grow up and pretend to beat up other men (while dressed in a pair of nylon tights) and hang around with scantily clad women who appear to have the IQ of a gnat. But I have digressed. My point is that while the PJ's may have had pictures of wrestlers on them . They were not the wrestling attire itself. You don't see anyone buying Johnny I nice pair of tights to sleep in. Nope just the girls get the rock star knock offs.

I am afraid of back to school shopping this year.

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