Monday, June 1, 2009

Children's Hospital

I think today may go on record for me as one of my longest days as a parent. Chloe was scheduled to go into the hospital today for some tests on her bladder and kidneys. We arrived at about 10:30 AM and as directed she had not eaten since the previous night. She was to say the least hungry and did not mind sharing her misery with everyone. I could not imagine how any group of doctors/nurses was going to get my obstinate and dramatic 6 year old through the ultrasound and then sedated with an IV for a VSUG. I was braced for the absolute worst.

However, these people were amazing. They whisk you in with such a positive energy. Chloe was such a trooper. She took it all, even swallowing the medicine without complaining (and as she will tell you it was disgusting). She held still (watching Happy Feat on DVD I might add) while they did the ultrasound. She had a few tears with the IV the first time around and none when they had to do it again because the first one wasn't working.

As a mom I don't think anything prepares you to have to walk into the hall while your sedated child is about to undergo a medical procedure. I was very close to tears myself. It was unbelievably stressful. I was so glad to see her start tossing around in the bed and pop her eyes open to get to eat peanut butter toast- a Chloe staple.

In the end the tests resulted some good information that we needed to know. So now her pediatrician can make the best judgment on keeping her healthy. I have a new respect for the people who work on the pediatric medical area and a new compassion for people who have to take their children there with any regularity. I am exhausted and it was only one day and my daughter skipped up the steps when we got home.

The true Chloeism of the day: Before we left for the hospital I talked to her about the fact that she might see some really sick kids there. Kids with no hair or tubes coming out of them. I wasn't sure what we might encounter there and wanted to prepare her. In true Chloe fashion she said, "Don't worry mommy I wont tease anybody." I told her I didn't think she would, but I didn't want her to feel scared. At the end of the day we were walking to the parking garage to the car and she said, "How come I didn't get to see any other kids to make friends with? I wanted to make some friends." You gotta love that kid.

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