Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bike Bells on the Bike Path

I run a lot of miles on the bike path. I ran seven this morning and was reminded of an occurrence that I don't quite understand. Why are adults buying and using bike bells and horns? Is it just me or is this one of those things that really is not meant for those of us over the age of 8?

Today was a particularly ding ding day. Meaning as I am running along and astonishing number of times a biker came up behind me to pass. Instead of just going by me on the left (my preferred method- I can here you pedaling people), or saying, "passing on your left" or a version there of. These people ring a bike bell! I am not kidding you! Adults! It is crazy. Why do you have a bell on your bike? It is ridiculous!

The worst time this ever happened to me was back in April. I was running my last 20 mile run in preparation for the marathon. I had been running in the steady rain since mile 6. At mile 14 the skies opened up and I had to run through a torrential down pour, and then at mile 15 the thunder and lightening started. The bike path flooded in parts. It was crazy. I have never run through such horrible weather. I was praying that I would survive. And then at around mile 18 it stopped raining, things calmed down, and the storm passed as quickly as it started. I tell this story because as I slogged along for those final few miles soaked to the skin. I was passed by some bikers. Nice dry bikers who obviously found shelter from the storm. All four of them. They each rang their bell as they passed me. All four of them. I wanted to push them off their bikes. All four of them.

Today, a grown woman biking in the opposite direction approach a turn along the path. She honked her bike horn before the turn and then again at the next one! Her bike horn! Seriously! Why? Just stay on the right side and turn the corner. It is a bike path. It is quiet, serene, and peaceful. Or at least it was until you started honking horns at every turn.

It is the strangest fad I have ever seen and I hope it quickly runs its course. Although it seems like more are buying them not less.

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