Friday, July 10, 2009

Mommy Motor

More sunshine today! Yippee! This was the conversation in the jogger this morning while we covered six miles.

Alexa: Let's catch those people on the bikes and we can win the race.

Chloe: We can't catch them they are on bikes pedaling, and we only have a mommy motor.

Alexa: We could cheer for Mommy to go faster and then we could.

Chloe and Alexa: Go Mommy go (repeat at least 20 times)

A Mommy Motor. I always wondered what I would be when I grow up. Now is appears my destiny is spelled out. I have to say I am struggling the past few days with the jogger. It has always pulled to the left but now seems to do it much more prominently. It is causing me a great deal of pain in my right thumb as I push to keep us straight and out of the way of other runners/bikers. I would say I returned home and tuned it up to fix it, but lets all pause to have a good laugh over that one. Despite my sister's purchase of a new book for me to encourage my independence in home ownership:

I checked and bike joggers are not in it. I think we may be at the limit for the poor old thing weight wise. I brought this up to my fellow travelers. That perhaps it was time for them to be biking along with me, you know then we could go a lot faster. Not a big hit. I fear I might end up with one of those carts you see in Central Park being pulled around by some poor guy choking out points of interest between gasps of air.

In the mean time my sedentary friend as learned the craft of hand sewing. Here she is working on her latest creation... a cat (in case that wasn't obvious).

She is pretty good and caught on quickly. That will be excellent for when I need her to sew me pillows to rest my tendinitis affected hand on!

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