Friday, July 17, 2009

Home work

So I can imagine you have been wondering what is up with the house? Did she finish the porch? I hope it hasn't kept some of you up nights- if so I apologize humbly. Here I have been posting away about summer fun with the girls and not a peep about my home renovation work. Well, rest assured my fellow readers...all two of you... I have been working. It has been slow, but I have been working.

So here it is the front porch.

Beautiful, no?
It took awhile to get through. There has been a lot of rain so having enough dry weather to dry everything out and paint has been tricky. Also I can't work on it and take care of the little people too. So that slowed things down a bit. Luckily they go to bed early, and it stays light late so I can work in the evenings. I did realize the other night I was sitting out and painting the railing on a Friday night. I tend to forget what day it is what with me being on vacation and all. I have to admit that felt a smidge pathetic when I realized, but given that I have distant memories of the last time I was on an actual date. I figured it isn't like I had anything really exciting to do anyhow. Plus it allowed for some people watching, which in this neighborhood is always interesting. Did you know there was such a thing as male capris? I had no idea!


  1. I read the blog daily, so that makes three! Uncle Michael

  2. Oh, my brother has manpris, he says that were great for Europe. I think they look silly.
