Thursday, July 2, 2009

Adventures in Island Life

One of our first stops whenever we come to the island is the library. This trip is no different. It was made more urgent by the fact that I forgot to pack any books at all for story time. I usually toss in a couple of paperbacks to get us through the first night, but oops totally missed it this time. So last night we were left to whatever we could locate on Grammie's shelves thus I read sections of the the Atlas of Dog Breeds. They were not thrilled. So off we went pulling the red wagon behind us to visit Ruth the town librarian. We upped her circulation numbers by checking out a pile of books to occupy us during our stay.

Chloe spent over half the day feeding grass to Grammie's pet geese. Grammie got two geese back in May and Chloe has been looking forward to seeing them for months. She is now convinced that she needs some pet geese. Grammie even let her go in the pen this afternoon and the geese were eating right out of her hand! Yes, I did get pictures but I can't download them onto this antique computer. I will add them to out website when I return home for those interested.

Other happenings? Well, we went down to the beach this afternoon and saved some baby shrimp. They aren't really in any danger- until we "save" them that is. Last year we noticed that if you pick up the rocks at low tide you can find baby shrimp seeking refuge under the other rocks. Since my children always arrive here fresh from hours of Dora and Diego saving animals is on their young minds. So they scoop them into shovels, dump them in buckets of water and rush them down to dump them in the ocean. I am not sure this really benefits them at all. In fact I think they now could be in more danger, but hopefully they just scoot down to hide in some new rocks.

Uncle Lewis and Aunt Anita came on for the afternoon and stayed for dinner. We had a nice visit with them. I am glad that the girls get to see so many pieces to their family when we come.

I went for a run after putting the girls to bed. It is a brief moment when I can take advantage of someone else in the house so I can get out to run solo. The only problem is I am staying on an island with a grand total of about 2 miles of paved road. I ran about 3 1/2 tonight after putting the girls to bed before it got too dark (no street lights). I am hoping to cover some distance each night. Possibly getting in as many a six one of these nights (dare to dream). It does get a bit repetitive though.

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