Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lessons Learned

My kids come home tomorrow and boy am I excited. I feel like I have accomplished quite a few things over the last few days. I have also learned a few things about myself too. Things like: I should never work from home as I might lose parts of my mind. When left to myself I make lists and cross things off in a desperate attempt to validate my time.

See? But it is OK because I have gotten things like making appointments, removing the plastic from the windows, and cleaning old files off the computer done to name a few.

I also have a formed a touch of an addiction to old NCIS episodes that I have been getting on Netflix. I nearly hugged the mailman for bringing new ones today. That also figures into why I shouldn't work from home.. not enough human contact. That isolation made me rather chatty with the guys at the dump and the cashier at the grocery store this week too. I seem to be more of a people person.

Lots got done though! I mean just look at this basement.

Well, OK don't look too closely there is stuff down there that I can't even explain. The people that owned this house before me raised seven boys here. A number that still makes me shudder. I think they spent time amusing themselves down there. I mean why else would there be a smiling sun painted on the oil tank?

Then there was this little event...

I still can't even contemplate what kind of sick joke mother nature was playing here. I mean I didn't paint my toe nails to look pretty in sandals for nothing! However, the snow has stopped and the sun is out. so hopefully soon it will all be a bad memory.

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