Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hair Drying

I had to purchase a new hair dryer today. My old one keeps turning itself off in the middle of use. That wouldn’t be a huge problem if it didn’t take about 15- 20 minutes to let you turn it back on. That kind of time I just don’t have when getting ready for work.

I was a little amazed at all the features they put on hair dryers. I just really just need it to, you know, blow out hot hair. You can get a lot of features that I am not even sure what all of them are for. I picked out the simplest, least expensive model. It still had a lot of extras. Things like tourmaline technology, cool shot button, and a hinged filter which it says makes the cleaning easier. I didn’t actually know I was suppose to clean the hair dryer and am now thinking this may have been the reason for the other one’s demise.

It also has Ionic Technology which is promises complete ionic coverage to give me less frizz. Now this I can use. I have hair that likes to explode into some kind of giant puff ball on any given day. I though this might hold some promise until I got home and discover that the hair dryer I already had was also built with this technology. Disappointing to say the least.

I also noticed on the paper work included with the dryer that there is a Haircare Hotline I can call should I need to. Now I must say this I found amusing to no end. What exactly do you call the Haircare Hotline for? The name hotline seems to indicate some type of emergency situation. Do these things come up often? I have never encountered one. Have other people? Am I tempting fate by even bringing it up? And who is working the Haircare Hotline? What qualifications do they have to be handling these emergencies? Can we be sure that they are a professional? Is this a 24/7 kind of thing or only 9-5. I mean 9-5 most people are already at work and the hair problem is already out there for everyone to see. It would seem that you would need to have operators on during peak hair styling hours to catch those emergencies. It could just be me though.

At any rate I will be sure to keep you posted as to how my new technology works for me. I do think that I will pass on the Haircare Hotline and stick to my beloved hair dresser who takes such good care of me. However, if any one wants the number I can pass it on to you.

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