Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Things We Pass On

Never let it be said that I am not a worrier. I mean really. I know I appear all calm, cool, and collected (stop snickering) but I am not. I obsess and worry pretty much constantly. I would like to say I have gotten better as I have gotten older, but the truth is I think it has gotten worse. I do much better when I can talk about what I am worried about, but that doesn't happen too much as I am plagued with guilt over burdening others with things that are on my mind. So for the overwhelming majority of time I am trapped in my own head with a chain of events relaying themselves up to some kind of horrid illness or death. It takes a physical toll on a person I can tell you, and it is one of the many reasons that I run the distances that I do. It also might factor into why relationships never really seem to work out for me, but lets not dwell on that shall we? Where were we... ah yes, worrying and stress. So I worry and stress about things that usually end up being no big deal when all is said and done.

It would have been my greatest hope not to pass that trait onto my children. It appears that I perhaps might have. Alexa had her four year old check up today. She has been worried about this for days (trust me if I knew this was going to be an issue I never would have mentioned it). She has been complaining non-stop that she didn't want to go because she might have to get a shot. No amount of reasoning or bribing was going to change this either. I offer for her to pick a special desert for me to make if she had to get a shot... you name it brownies, cookies. She wouldn't have any of it. We arrived at the appointment and we got right in to see the nurse for the height, weight, blood pressure, ear check , etc. I thought we were settling in just fine. I was, however, mistaken we had to wait about 45 minutes in a very stuffy exam room for her doctor. She was crawling in my lap begging, "Mommy please save me. " It was pitiful. When her Doctor finally arrived she seemed to relax for the exam, but then we discussed her need for a mumps booster. Oh boy. Dr. Wing also wanted to do a throat culture since she was ill this weekend and her throat appeared sore. It was soon after this that Alexa threw up all over the exam room. I would say that she wasn't over her stomach bug from this weekend except that after coming home and resting for a bit, she was fine. I mean fine. Eating, playing, running. I think she stressed herself out to the point of being sick to her stomach. Poor thing. The upside is she is much better now and even built herself one heck of a train out of boxes.

She also managed to weasel her way out of the shot at least for another week or two.

On a happier note here is Chloe today headed out (in the rain) to take a field trip with her Girl Scout troop to visit the fire station.
The Girl Scouts that just brings back memories. See I passed that on too. It isn't all bad!

1 comment:

  1. I'm your worrying soul mate. Man, I'm bad about it. And yes, I think I've passed this issue on to a least a couple of my children. Darn.

    Your poor little sweetie. She had to be super nervous to get sick to her stomach like that. Waiting 45 minutes once in the room??? That's big yuck.
