Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Nagging Required

Chloe came home from school today with a new library book. This in and of itself is not a big deal, she does this every week. The unique part was that she chose the book because she wanted to know more about penguins. See her class has been studying penguins and Chloe loves penguins. She was so interested in them that she wanted to know why penguins and seals are enemies. So she checked out a book on seals and sat down herself to read about them. This people is huge. If you were a teacher right now you would get my excitement. Reading non fiction text in order to find information... well now we in education get all excited about that skill. And doing it of your own free will... now see it just doesn't get any better than that. So I, of course, snuck up on her and took the picture.
In case you were wondering she did answer the question herself. She figured out that seals eat penguins and also have really sharp teeth. Enough to make anyone enemies.

On a different note my tomato kid has been dutifully looking after her plants. Each day she fills up her watering can and waters the seeds without being asked. I will keep you posted on our gardening excitement. As you can see from the picture there isn't much snow around outside so we dream of warm days and planting outside.

The safety cone out on the street, I can't explain only to say it seems to be working its way down the block. In this neighborhood we don't ask a lot of questions about random things that show up in front of your house. Last year the women down the street had a couch left in front of their house. Not one you would want mind you and it took over a month for them to get the city to get rid of it. So safety cones... that wont last long.

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