Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year

I have been feeling like a rather lazy blogger. I have lots of ideas of things I should write, but then I don't. I get caught up in the day to day and then I just don't get it done. I decided in the spirit of the whole New Year's resolution concept (of which I am not very good at) I would try my hand at posting at least a  picture each day.

I like to write about things we do each day, but the reality is I don't often have the energy for the writing part of it. I could post the picture though... well maybe. I mean it might end up a total flop that I can't keep up with but it isn't exactly a life or death matter here so it is worth a shot.

I have been trying to figure out what a good goal for me would be this year. I do like the New Year. I like the idea of a fresh start and making a positive change. This year I feel a little muddled after 2011. It wasn't that I can make a blanket statement that 2011 was a bad year. There were some wonderful things that happened. There were some rough part too though.

Rough in ways that I hope 2012 isn't . I mean I like my attorney. I do. He is really nice. I just hadn't known him at all prior to 2011, and we spent a fair amount of time together this past year. I am hoping that we don't have to chat as often in 2012. Maybe I could use that money for some other purpose.

I said good-bye to someone I care about this year too. Not in a death way but in an erase, delete, unsubscribe kind of way that comes with the new technological ways in which we are in contact with people. It was the right thing for me to do, but that didn't make it any easier. I am hoping that this coming year brings more people into my life than people leaving it.

So here we go today's pictures.

It was a home with Cabbie kind of day.

I did get a run in my first of the year so far. My newish shoes have a lot of work to do as my co-worker Katie and I are hoping that our team is drawn for the two person relay team in this year's marathon. I am shooting  for a PR in the half marathon this year.

Look at that you got two pictures! I am already ahead of the game.

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