Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I am forever amazed at the ability of things to simply work themselves out. I have been working on not worrying and building my faith in this fact. It is sometimes hard to do, but it is true. The universe hands us exactly what we need. We should say thank you for that. Good manners dictate that when you are given something you should say thank you. So thank you. I am grateful for the all of the wonderful people and events that have come into my life. They are well placed and much appreciated. And while I do know all too well that bad things happen to good people, more often than not it is the energy that we put into this world that comes back to us. Often too those bad things teach us so much about ourselves and others that we can take those skills and pay it forward. So thank you world for everything and thank you to you for reading this. I appreciate the time you took to listen to me.

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