Monday, November 2, 2009

Clothes Monsters

It is hard to tell how it all got started. I remember reading books to Chloe about school and one of the characters always laid her clothes out the night before. Knowing how slow Chloe moves in the mornings and how much she enjoys control. I suggested that this sounded like a good idea. She readily agreed and thus began our tradition of her picking out her clothes for school the night before.

All was going along just swell and Alexa even picked up on the tradition. She dutifully picks out an outfit each night after bath and before teeth brushing. How that all got morphed into a creative endeavor I really don't know other than to say it began with Chloe.

She began hanging her clothes off the knob on her dresser. That wasn't such big deal until she started to make them into things. Alexa, again, picked up on the idea and now it seems to be a nightly event. Every night the girls make a monster out of their clothes hanging on the dresser.
Here we have Chloe's creation...

something to do with an ocean theme.

And Alexa's...

he considers hers to be more of a princess. The tights are apparently her hair.

I don't know. I had envisioned a neat little clothes pile all folded up with fresh socks and underwear on the top. I guess I really don't care as long as they are still OK with taking them apart and putting them on in the morning.


  1. Or as long as they don't wake up at 3 AM screaming about the monster in their room.

    And don't all creative endeavors begin with Chloe? Isn't that her role in this world? That's why she's so awesome.

  2. I agree Cherie!!!
