Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Size of Things

I wore Chloe's shoes today. Granted they were her cheap-imitation crocs (which HAVE to go down as the UGLIEST shoes ever created- Crocs that is not hers in particular). None the less they fit. Those are my feet in her shoes.
I was headed out to check on the food I was grilling for dinner. I didn't see any of my shoes by the backdoor, so I stuck my feet into her shoes. I was expecting my heels to be hanging over the edge but nope. Slid right in. How did this happen? Look at the child...
I mean, sure she has the surly adolescent look of disgust but she has had that since she was two. She is only eight.

The foot while I admit it contains some magical properties that lead it to draw dirt to every white sock she places on it... still it doesn't look that big. I hope this doesn't pan out the same way it does for puppies. When their feet are huge it means they are going to be a massive dog. I am not sure that I can swing the groceries if this is going to be the case. Plus now I think she is eyeballing my foot wear.

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