Monday, June 20, 2011

Last Linda Day

Today was Alexa's last day at Linda's daycare. My kids have been going there since Chloe was three months old. Alexa still attended on Mondays and Fridays this year. I have been driving to Linda's house for about eight years now on my way to work and home again. It will be weird for all of us. In typical Linda fashion she gave Alexa a going away present and a certificate for moving on to kindergarten. Her gift was a sand art kit. In typical Alexa fashion she shared it with her sister when we got home. I decide that sand art was best done on the deck. They did a great job sharing the materials and taking turns.
They were happy with the results. I think the departure from Linda's will be slow to sink in for us. We will really miss her.

1 comment:

  1. That's kind of a sad milestone, isn't it? Good times.
