Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hat Day

I want to thank mother nature for making an afternoon where things got a little crazy. I mean here I completely filled the kid's pool, fed them, got everyone in swimsuits and sun screened. We were outside for all of 45 minutes and we are hit with heavy rain complete with thunderstorms and tornado warnings. Sheesh. So they were driven to creating things on their own. What did they create? Hats.

They started with your basic paper hats.

Then they made stuffed animal ones.

Decorated the hats...

made sure the dog had a hat too.

and decorated it... poor Cabbie.

It might have been worse than when they put him in the pool.

1 comment:

  1. Cabbie's tongue hanging out makes him look like he was hit with a wack-a-mole mallet.
