Saturday, June 5, 2010

Watching Grass Grow

It has been a rather rainy week around these parts. That is a good thing for the lawn. I planted some grass seed a few weeks ago. Up until this week it has just been kind of sitting there. No matter how much I watered it. Which admittedly isn't much because quite frankly, I am a distracted gardener. I find yard work to be rather repetitive. I love to plant things, but the day to day up keep gets to be a bit of a drag. I mean, didn't I just pull weeds out of that garden last week? And those bushes, I know I pruned off all those branches. How fast do those things grow back? My neighbor Marty likes to tell me, "We just need to keep up with it a little each day." Now, I love Marty. Truly. I mean she takes care of my child three mornings a week, but when she tells me that. Well, I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. Who has time to keep reweeding the same garden? And I am expected to do this EVERY DAY. Well, that just isn't going to happen. But I do my best and sometimes well look...

grass grew. There were these bare spots around the yard. One was from the kids old play set that I finally got rid of, another was from the painters last year who piled equipment in one place, and another is from my dog who hates the cold weather and spends all winter peeing in the same spot about a foot from the deck steps. Now, I am no lawn perfectionist. If it is green, I'll mow it. Clover, weeds, whatever. It is all the same to me. The dirt patches are not very nice to look at though. So while I was at Lowe's a few weeks ago I picked up some grass seed. Let me just take a minute to say there are a lot of grass seed options out there. I mean a whole wall of choices. I was a little over whelmed. I picked one up and tossed it in the cart remarking to the man next to me, "Who knew there were this many options in grass seed."

He replied, "I know, I just can't remember what kind I used last."

"Well, they are all green!" was my answer. At this point I became aware that some people are much more invested in their lawn than me. I also was reminded that some people do not appreciate my sense of humor. Oops. At any rate I planted it, and it grew with a few weeds in there for good measure. Of course all this rain means it has to be mowed. Another repetitive yard related task.

At least someone appreciates my efforts.

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