Monday, February 27, 2012

Vacation Day One

We have been through this before. It isn't anything new. I still hate it though. The hardest part of divorce with children is the time spent away from your children. The girls left today to spend the next eight days with their dad. It stinks. There really isn't any nice way to spin it. They were sad about going, and I am sad about having them go. However, there really isn't a choice to be made here. It is part of the way these things work. So I busy myself. I have a list of projects that need to be done everything from grading to income taxes. I will putter through my list and hopefully end the week with more done than I previously had. On my errands this afternoon I walked out of the library and was putting things in my car when I noticed this movie poster on the cinema across the street. I can't even tell you what the movie was but the poster was this list with boxes to check off it said:

  • love
  • life
  • kids
pick two.

I stared at it. I thought, "Crap that's my life." One catagory shy of having it all. It was depressing. I don't want to slide into some dark depression this week. In an effort to shake myself out of a lonely mood. I took myself out for a walk this afternoon. Picked up a coffee, did some window shopping. I came to a decision. I decided to take myself on vacation this week in my own town. On my walk today I passed a gallery and a church I didn't even know existed.  So I decided I should take myself on vacation and see some sights this week. I am going to take a pictures too. Like a good tourist would. Here is the one from today's walk:

Nice night huh? Lets see what I come up with for tomorrow.

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