Sunday, January 24, 2010

This I Believe

There an essay contest of sorts run through NPR called This I Believe. It is based on a fairly simple premise that people write a story about a personal experience and a lesson learned from it stating their own personal belief. The stories are a mixture of famous people and average regular people. I checked one of the books out from the library this summer and loved it. I love to read people’s stories. I find people so interesting. You can read some of them on the website too. Ever since this summer I have toyed with the idea of writing one. What would I write? What do I believe?

I decided to give it a shot and write it. Write about what I believe. I can’t really send my story to NPR. It doesn’t fit their exact guidelines I fear, but I figured why not write it anyway? Just the act of thinking about what I believe was amazing. That is what writing is right? Just getting it out of your head on onto paper. Since I have my very own blog full of my ramblings gives me a place to plop it. The few people who actually read it can choose to read or not so it has the element of feeling public.

So there you have it. I talked myself into it. Here we go…

This I believe…

The energy we put into the world really is what comes back to us.

The statement “better than nothing” is true for lots of things, but when applied to relationships can be toxic to just about everyone involved.

Life really is like running a marathon there are times where every part of you hurts, but if you keep going eventually you make it through.

The best things in life really are free, but you can get a good boost out of a new pair of shoes.

You will never regret being a good friend.

The best way to have a friend really is to be one.

There is humor in just about everything.

Forgiveness really will free you.

Compassion makes us human.

Sarcasm is a gift given to some and lost on others.

To get everything you dream of you have to step out of your comfort zone.

Stepping outside your comfort zone can be scary and we should surround ourselves with good, supportive people who encourage us and listen to all our fears.

People come into our lives for a reason. We just have to trust that there is a greater plan.

Telling someone you love them can’t be done with strings attached; it invalidates the love.

When you survive something you should turn around and reach a hand to help someone else.

There is a whole lot more good in the world than bad; the bad just sells more papers.

The grass really isn’t greener on the other side, but the view is different and sometimes we have to stand there for a bit to learn about what is important to us.

Where you are is where you need to be; sometimes that is really hard when you are standing in a really tough place.

You don’t realize how many quirks you have until you have children and see them reflected back at you.

There is not an infinite amount of laundry to do; it just seems that way.

A good long cry can be very cleansing.

In the end we all have to clean up our own messes or stay stuck in the mess.

Toxic people should be given a wide distance.

We all make mistakes some are more accidental than others.

People with a low tolerance for children and pets should be a avoided.

This I believe. You can read some amazing stories that are much, much, better than mine at the following site.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, it sounds like you copied these from a book. They are THAT good. You're such a writing stud, my friend!!
