Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Four Cards and Some Wheat Thins

There are times in my life when I desperately wish someone else could share a moment with me. It usually occurs when the kids say or do something and it either cracks me up or makes me cry. Today there are two stories of the more warm fuzzy and humorous variety. Because, although I began this blog journey to open myself up to the world, I have the belief that the world really doesn't need to know what a sobbing wacko I can be sometimes.

Yesterday I picked Alexa up from daycare and we were heading to Chloe's school to pick her up. It was a little after 4 o'clock and true to form she mentioned that she was hungry. I happened to have a bag of Wheat Thins left over from my lunch and I asked her if she wanted some. She said she did so I handed them back. At this point I should mention that I feel I often tempt fate with the amount of my driving time I spend handing food and drinks back to my kids. My car could feed an impoverished family for the better part of a week with all the crackers and Cheerios on the floor. Occasionally I bring the dog somewhere just so he can clean it up. So it is not an unusual occurrence for her to snack on our 30 minute drive home. After a while she said she was done and handed the bag back to me. After a bit I began to realize that with all my nerves from earlier in the day I hadn't eaten much and reached into the bag to munch a few crackers myself. At that point I noticed something felt odd about the crackers. So I inquired to Alexa about what had happened to the crackers. She responded, ever so perkily, "Oh I licked the salt off them. It tasted yummy." Needless to say I waited till dinner to eat.

Today I picked Chloe up at after school where she had been making cards for all occasions. So here you go some warm fuzzies...

For Mommy...

For Alexa...

(Look she told her sister she loves her, I knew it! Proof!)
For Cabbie...

Thats so sweet because half the time I think she hates him!

And my personal favorite for me (again)...

(I think my hair looks particularly nice in this one)

Can you read it? It says, "I love you on this day." You know as opposed to those times when I make her do horrid things like clean her room and put her clothes in the hamper.

Thanks kiddo I really did need to hear that!

1 comment:

  1. That is precious. And so you know, I love reading your blog. You have a great sense of humor and are so "real." Sounds cliche, I realize, but true. I think you are one tough cookie doing a great job in this thing called life.

    Hugs to you, my friend.
