Cute, cuddly, little babies named Sam...
piano playing...
tiara adjustments and princess finery...
dance shows...
a lot of taira wearing factored into things...
butterfly sunglasses...
cute, cuddly dogs...
pathetic mooching dogs...
worn out squirrel chasing dogs...
and more cute, cuddly Sam moments.
We also learned a few things. We learned:
We really enjoyed having everyone. Alexa told me on Sunday, "I am really sad that everyone had to go home." We miss you and are so glad you came. Next time we will make sure to pack in Aunt Andrea and Uncle Ryan. I know they both look great in tiaras.
On Wednesday I picked Alexa up from preschool, and she was so excited to show me this drum. Their theme this week was Native Americans. The drums were a part of the study. She rattled off all the information her teacher had given them, "You have to play them softly because they are made out of paper and an oatmeal box, Mommy, so don't hit it hard." I would personally like to thank her teacher for the soft drum. She is a parent herself, so I think she was aware of the instant dislike parents would have for a teacher who would send eight four-year-olds home pounding on drums. The soft drum, however, is not too bad at all.
the daily trials of a teacher, mom, and marathon runner.