Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Pre-Trip Prep
Monday, June 29, 2009
Chickens Again
It seems that this summer is the summer of chickens. I find them every where as of late. In fact the day I posted my entry about the seemingly endless hours I was trapped at Shelburne Farms with my own daughter lugging chickens around. The featured blog of note was titled the chicken lady. It was about a woman in California who raises chickens in the yard of her rental house. She even showed pictures of the chickens walking in the house. She listed off all the reasons she just had to have chickens. I don't get this.
My sister wants to get chicken too. I can not fathom this. Why I asked why chickens? "Because of the eggs," she said. She is not the only one to say this either. This seems obvious to you chicken fans. I am wondering is there some kind of egg shortage I am unaware of? Because my local grocery store seems well stocked. All I do is open the door to the refrigerator and lift the lid to check for broken shells.
I don't feed them, build housing for them, listen to them, or- most importantly- I do not need to touch them with their freaky flapping wings coming at me. I just pay the cashier and off I go. I just do not understand the desire to deal with all that for a couple of eggs. Plus I think the things are a bit carnivorous. While we were trapped in the Shelburne Farm chicken coop the kids were collecting the eggs. One little girl dropped an egg and it smashed on the floor. These chickens rushed at the broken egg pecking each other and eating it! I was horrified! This did not raise my opinion of the things at all. I'll take my eggs chilled on cardboard thank you.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Deck is Re-Done
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Bike Bells on the Bike Path
Today was a particularly ding ding day. Meaning as I am running along and astonishing number of times a biker came up behind me to pass. Instead of just going by me on the left (my preferred method- I can here you pedaling people), or saying, "passing on your left" or a version there of. These people ring a bike bell! I am not kidding you! Adults! It is crazy. Why do you have a bell on your bike? It is ridiculous!
The worst time this ever happened to me was back in April. I was running my last 20 mile run in preparation for the marathon. I had been running in the steady rain since mile 6. At mile 14 the skies opened up and I had to run through a torrential down pour, and then at mile 15 the thunder and lightening started. The bike path flooded in parts. It was crazy. I have never run through such horrible weather. I was praying that I would survive. And then at around mile 18 it stopped raining, things calmed down, and the storm passed as quickly as it started. I tell this story because as I slogged along for those final few miles soaked to the skin. I was passed by some bikers. Nice dry bikers who obviously found shelter from the storm. All four of them. They each rang their bell as they passed me. All four of them. I wanted to push them off their bikes. All four of them.
Today, a grown woman biking in the opposite direction approach a turn along the path. She honked her bike horn before the turn and then again at the next one! Her bike horn! Seriously! Why? Just stay on the right side and turn the corner. It is a bike path. It is quiet, serene, and peaceful. Or at least it was until you started honking horns at every turn.
It is the strangest fad I have ever seen and I hope it quickly runs its course. Although it seems like more are buying them not less.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Flower Planting and Backyard Swimming
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Fish poop and duck droppings
I do enjoy being at the beach with my children. Except for all the sand (it is always stuck all over everything) and the lake water. I mean there are all these plants growing in it...plus the fish. Tons of little minnows swimming around your toes. That means you are standing right where they are eating... and peeing. Not to mention the ducks and sea gulls. I stood in the water and watched a sea gull fly overhead and plop right in the water next to me falls poo. I stared as it spread out through the water and looked over to see me own child joyfully dump a bucket of water down her front. Not a pretty connection I tell you. No it isn't easy being me. There is a reason I carry disinfecting gel everywhere I go.
I braved it though! I waded out with the kids. It even got so hot that I dove in. I pushed all unpleasant poo thoughts out of my head. I never gave it a second thought either. OK, well not much of one. Until I got home and took my suit off a pealed a long piece of plant off my torso. Ick, wonder where that has been.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We are gonna be up to our necks in feathers in a minute here
In the end we had played so long that it was getting quite hot and close to lunch time. I requested that everyone walk up Depot Street hill today. Alexa was walking any way others were less willing, but complied. I took a picture at the top of the hill down as Alexa and I waited for Chloe. She was walking extremely slowly until I said, "Who wants to get back in?" At which point she broke into a run.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
See Monday meant Tuesday
So the girls and I headed to the library today. We were going to go there anyway, but we just made it more of an extended stay. Chloe is enrolled in the summer reading program through the library again this year. She was very excited to do it again- they read each week and go in to have their log checked and get to pick from a prize bin.
Chloe had always loved books. They are for her a complete salvation from any mood she is in and always have been. She was engrossed in books at three months of age and people would stop and tell me they had never seen so young a baby to animated at listening to a story. I could make her stop crying just by started to recite the story Owl Babies, "Once there were three baby owls..." I'll spare you all the rest.
One of the most amazing things about Chloe this summer is that part of her reading log includes books she is reading to me. She has been so proud to tell people that she reads at a first grade level. She told all the nurses at the hospital when we were there for her tests. " I am in kindergarten, but I read at a first grade level. " I told them we would work on spelling humble next. She was so proud of her report card and was determined that she was going to work this summer to amaze her first grade teacher with how well she reads. So we have been checking out "I can Read Books" for her to read to me She is really proud of herself. It is amazing to me to sit and listen to her read. She needs help with some words, but it also amazes me some of the words she gets all on her own. Yesterday she read the word "followed" to me. I couldn't believe she got it right off. It is really wonderful to watch her grow.
Now, the painter left today saying he would be here Wednesday and Thursday and that should be it. Has anyone unlocked the code to figure out which days that will really be? I could use some help planning my day.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Shelburne Farms
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Let's Talk about Pajamas Shall We?
I was shocked... disgusted... and then back to shocked again. I became one of those women who wonder around the clothes racks clucking her tongue, shaking her head, and muttering. Seriously people she is six! I am looking for puppies, kitties, flowers, penguins. Who is making these lacy, spaghetti strapped, plunging necklines in a size 6X? And better yet who is buying it?
Three stores and racks of clothes later I came away with two night gowns one Hello Kitty, one Little Mermaid- complete with slippers and a magic wand (it seems not to work I tried tapping my head and muttering there is no place like home a few times and nothing), and a shorts/tank top combo with a white cat. I cannot believe the effort it takes to buy little girls clothes for little girls. If it is in a size 6X or 7 people it is for a 6- 8 year old girl. That is anywhere from grades 1-3 just to connect that for people who are unaware.
What is wrong with these people who make and sell these products? Moreover what is wrong with the people who are buying it? As any one who has ever spent anytime teaching adolescent girls will tell you, you do not want to teach them that this is how they should identify themselves.
This sexually suggestive thing seems to be only directed at little girls. I looked at the boys stuff: trucks, construction equipment, sports. There were some with pictures of wrestlers. Personally I can not imagine encouraging your child to view these people as role models. Hey, we would like to to grow up and pretend to beat up other men (while dressed in a pair of nylon tights) and hang around with scantily clad women who appear to have the IQ of a gnat. But I have digressed. My point is that while the PJ's may have had pictures of wrestlers on them . They were not the wrestling attire itself. You don't see anyone buying Johnny I nice pair of tights to sleep in. Nope just the girls get the rock star knock offs.
I am afraid of back to school shopping this year.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Big Runner, Little Runner
Alexa on her fancy roller skates.
Play time at the park.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Many Faces of Friday
Event number one: the painters were back today to finish the back. They have been a little spotty as of late. I can never really get the schedule down. So yep they were knocking at the door early this morning. I was still in my jammies. Sigh. However this is the finished back! Yah Hoo! That means I can do the deck myself (note all of my friends are now about to become instantly unavailable. You know the ones who said sure we could help you paint the deck. Yeah you know who you are...) So this is all very exciting and hopefully soon I can move all the deck furniture out of the shed and on the deck. It is all still piled in there from the winter storage and if I crack my head on the table leg one more time trying to get the lawn mower out. I am afraid I will have done permanent damage.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Running in the rain...again
I will say it wasn't raining when I left the house. That is harder, walking out the front door into the down pour. It is better to be few miles out when it starts. It isn't like staying dry will be an option, so you might as well keep going.
I had the surprise perk of the girls having dinner with their dad tonight too. So I didn't have to cover the distance pushing the jogger. I don't have a rain cover for this jogger. So if it raining at any kind of a steady rate we don't go. Way back in the one kid days my jogger did have a rain cover. That was a new one given as a baby shower gift. To think I use to think that was heavy. Ha! One little 6 month old. What a wimp I was!
Tomorrow looks like a forecast of morning showers. The girls are suppose to have another dinner night with dad. So maybe I can get another solo run in before the weekend. He canceled for the weekend so it looks like I will be plowing through the crowded weekend bike path with my partners. I will say people do usually give you a wide berth!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
You Gotta Grab the Sunny Days
Chloe floating with her ducky.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Summer Vacation Day #1
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Last Day
It will look a little different next year as Joyce and I are loosing our other teammate Paul. He is being shifted up to the middle school. We are all really sad about that. He is one of my few guy friends. He is married to my good friend Alyssa. Alexa and his son Brady are only a few months apart, and we all enjoy hanging out. I loved having him teach next door to me. We get along really well. I will still work closely with some great people. It isn't the same as popping next door and laughing over something or venting about an issue.
We will all adjust as is always the case with these things, and we will make it work. In this day and age with so many good teachers loosing their jobs due to budget cuts. We all need to be grateful for still being able to provide for our families and do something we enjoy.
Summer break is much needed to regain your emotional balance. This job can be very draining. You are involved very deeply with families. Some are wonderful to work with and some have so much hurt and pain in them; it can drain your energy to be in it daily.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
You know... the thingy
So you see it should stay down all on its own, but it doesn't. So here we go. I feel I rather ingeniously solved the problem. I ran a wire behind the lever and held it up that way. TA DA! Instant tub drainage... at least for now.
Until I can get someone who will actually know how to fix it over to. Cherie, you might as well show Micheal this now because we all now the next time you guys come to visit it is on the list (my brother-in-law loves me to bits).
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The accidental run
I am already toying with what comes next. It is too early to say if I will run a fall marathon. At this point I will need to see how many long runs I can get in over the summer. The furthest I could take the jogger last summer was 6 miles. That was about the maximum for both the girls and I. Not sure that this summer would be any different. Could be less depending on how much heavier they are. My jogger is an old second hand one. I am sure they make better ones that roll and handle better, but it was free. I would love to get Chloe better at biking so she could ride her bike with me. Right now though I doubt she would willingly give up a seat to ride. She is a bit of a couch potato.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Flowers and the beauty of sarcasm
Now one of my students, a sixth grade boy, arrived carrying flowers. He thrust the bouquet at me and announced, "Here Ms. Galyean, it wasn't my idea."
I should pause here and tell you that for those of you who don't know me, (can't imagine why you would read this if you don't, but I digress) I am a sarcastic wise ass. My students know this and, quite frankly, it is part of my classroom management. It keeps their attention and keeps them on their toes. That said I could not let this moment pass by. I placed my hand on my heart, closed my eyes, and said, "Well, let me just take a moment to let those heart felt words sink in. Be still my heart with the overwhelming joy that has been our two years together." We went on to have what I affectionately call our teachable moments where I give them pointers on etiquette. Oh yeah they love that stuff- you can just imagine.
The day did progress rather uneventfully. Leaving me with a little energy when I got home for a short run. I decided to stop at the end and sit on the rocks at Waterfront Park and enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. I haven't run much over the last few weeks. Just a few miles here and there. That is pretty normal for me after a race. I cut it back quite a bit. I have run enough marathons to know that even though my sore muscles go away; I still have deep tissue healing to do. I will begin my regular running this weekend.
With next week being the first week of summer vacation it also means running with the jogger. Summer means almost full time parenting for me 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In order to get a run in I need to use my double jogger. I mentioned this to the girls a few days a ago. I asked Chloe if she made sure not to grow at all so I wouldn't have to push anymore weight this year. She looked at me and said, "Mommy that's sarcasm."
Ah maybe.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Last day of Kindergarten
And not to be out done here is Alexa. She is off to her last full time slot at day care. She will attend preschool two days a week next year and Linda's three. And yes, that is a cup of coffee she is clutching. It helps pep her up in the mornings. I'm KIDDING- she was helping mommy out- sweetie pie that she is. I took Chloe out to get presents for her teachers yesterday. Alexa picked out some pink flowers for Linda too. Alexa said, "I will miss my Linda. She gives the best hugs." AW!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Temporary Fame
I have to admit it is kind of cool. I mean when else do people get excited to see me? On the other hand it puts me at a decided disadvantage as I really have not a clue who they are. I have seen the list and all, but the names don't mean anything. And trust me if the names do mean something. It isn't usually in a good way. It is usually in an oh-please-don't-let-me-get-that-one way. I have taken to calling them all sweetie, so they don't get sad that I don't know them.
Still it is cool though. You know, I am a public school teacher, so I have to enjoy the small things. There is only so much joy you can find in the recycled art projects they make you in art class. Trust me- no matter what they do to it- a toilet paper tube is still a toilet paper tube. And
you better just pray those art teachers pull that unit out in May, or your stuck with that thing cluttering up you classroom for months!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A New Way to Run
Chloe: "I can tell you my worst part."
Me: "Oh? What was the worst part?"
Chloe: "Gym class."
Me: "Why?"
Chloe: "We had to run around the big field nine and a half times! I hated it."
Me: "That is a long way to run. Did anybody not make it?"
Chloe: "I am always last.... but sometimes I pretend I am first, and they are all following me instead!"
See it is all about perspective!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Did you know...
I also don't know if people are aware of accuracy of your average classroom teacher in knowing the phases of the moon- without a calendar. It is something that I myself am able to do almost flawlessly. Those sceptics who don't believe that the moon phases can impact a person, has never spent a day running a classroom full of 21 whacked out bodies. Oh it has an effect. An effect that has my students pointing out, "She is going for the Tylenol again..."
I mention these two things: this being the last week of school and last night being a full moon, to make a request. If you know a teacher who just worked through this cosmically aligned day. Hug them, rub their back, make them dinner, feed them chocolate, lots of chocolate... cause people you just have no idea.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A few days ago I went up to check on my daughter Chloe who was playing in her room. She was sitting on the floor and she had about fifteen stuffed animals sitting on the small throw rug on her floor (the rest of her floor in hard wood). I asked why all the animals were on the rug. Her response, "There was a big flood and they are using this as a boat to travel down the river."
The following is the piece that I wrote in 1998 at NMSU:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Power of Positve Energy
The first time I ever went out on a date in ten years; Marty came over to babysit for me. She fussed over me and told me I looked beautiful. She gave me a total pep talk to get out the door. And now, of course, there is what they do for Chloe. Every morning they take Chloe into their house when I leave for work. She eats her breakfast, and then they do art projects together. Until it is time for school. Then they walk her to school. She has had the best year of school (preschool was so hard for her)and I know that it has a lot to do with the relaxed way she gets to start her day.
I was talking with Marty today as we so often do- over the backyard fence. I asked her is she was still willing to have Chloe over in the morning next year. I didn't want to presume. It is a huge commitment to have me at your door at 7 AM every morning. She mentioned that they love having Chloe in the morning, and she wants to do it forever. She said there was a small glitch. She went on to share that she has kidney disease. Marty's kidneys are failing. She is on the list for receiving a transplant. In classic Marty fashion she is more worried about who will take care of Chloe in the morning while she is recovering. She was adamant that it needs to be a very kind and loving person. I have no idea what I will do about that, but it is a problem that work out.
Marty is an amazingly kind person. She gives me regular pep talks. I can be talking to another neighbor and find out she has been talking about me and telling people that they just have to meet with me. She is like my own personal fan club. She is such a positive force in the world. I think they world needs to send Marty some good energy back.
Friday, June 5, 2009
A high heeled shoe
These shoes spend most of their time on a shelf in my upstairs closet. They are known in our house as the bug killing shoes. About a year and a half ago this monstrosity of a bug was crawling down the hall. It had about 20 legs and long antenna. I have never seen anything like it before. The girls started screaming; I wanted to scream too. Instead I whipped open the closet door grabbed the nearest shoe (the black high heel) and squished it. From that moment on every bug is killed with the black high heel. Last night it was a big ugly spider in the bathroom. Alexa yelled, "Mommy a spider, get the shoe!"
I don't think heels are seen as very practical in some circles. So I just want to point out that it is very handy to always have a pair of heels around. You can squish the bug from a great distance away. The higher the heel the further my hand is from the impact.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Teacher's Work is Never Done
Some people have a vision of teachers having the cushy job with summers off. Goodness knows I have put up with my share of razzing when someone finds out what I do for a living. It is usually pointless to try to correct them that the extra hours during the school year average it all out.
There is another week left of school. This means that there are papers to be graded, grades to be averaged, report cards done, and you still have to teach them for the next week. With that in mind I want to point out that tonight I have brought home reading journals and essays to grade. Before I can get to that, I am traveling back to school to deliver speeches for two of my former students who are graduating eighth graders. They asked me to deliver the speech at their eighth grade dinner. I am glad to be asked. It means whatever I did for those two years they were in my room; they left and felt a positive connection. So I will travel the 30 minute drive back to work deliver the speeches, drive home, have my own kids dropped off from dinner with dad, put my own children to bed, pack lunches for tomorrow, and then sit down to grade. Not sure when my day will end, but tomorrow I will start my day again at 5 AM.
I mention all this because when I am sitting on the beach this summer on a Wednesday morning. I earned my time off.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Preschool Princess
Since Alexa is the shy around new people and situations I took this as another chance to have her visit the school. I took a picture of her when we got home so people could see how she visited her school today. I think they have the general idea of Alexa.
Yes, she is wearing a tiara.
As a side note I bought the girls these dresses a couple of weeks ago. Since they still think it is a lot of fun to match one another I try to encourage it. Easier to keep track of them when they look alike you know. You can see how well my picture taking went over... well, at least with one of them..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The carpenter has arrived
Ta Da
Now I just have to find something to do about this... the mess.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Children's Hospital
However, these people were amazing. They whisk you in with such a positive energy. Chloe was such a trooper. She took it all, even swallowing the medicine without complaining (and as she will tell you it was disgusting). She held still (watching Happy Feat on DVD I might add) while they did the ultrasound. She had a few tears with the IV the first time around and none when they had to do it again because the first one wasn't working.
As a mom I don't think anything prepares you to have to walk into the hall while your sedated child is about to undergo a medical procedure. I was very close to tears myself. It was unbelievably stressful. I was so glad to see her start tossing around in the bed and pop her eyes open to get to eat peanut butter toast- a Chloe staple.
In the end the tests resulted some good information that we needed to know. So now her pediatrician can make the best judgment on keeping her healthy. I have a new respect for the people who work on the pediatric medical area and a new compassion for people who have to take their children there with any regularity. I am exhausted and it was only one day and my daughter skipped up the steps when we got home.
The true Chloeism of the day: Before we left for the hospital I talked to her about the fact that she might see some really sick kids there. Kids with no hair or tubes coming out of them. I wasn't sure what we might encounter there and wanted to prepare her. In true Chloe fashion she said, "Don't worry mommy I wont tease anybody." I told her I didn't think she would, but I didn't want her to feel scared. At the end of the day we were walking to the parking garage to the car and she said, "How come I didn't get to see any other kids to make friends with? I wanted to make some friends." You gotta love that kid.