Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Deck is Re-Done

I spent my morning painting the deck railing! I stained the floor last week, but needed some time while the girls were with their dad to get the railing done. I am happy to say that while it clouded over and looked rather menacing a few times- IT DID NOT RAIN ON ME! Hooray. That feels like some kind of a record. I might be approaching compitent every now and then. I did notice the dog might have a few more white patches than he did before.

So, now we are enjoying being able to eat out on the deck and enjoying our view.
I have to say I really like how it came out. I was just about giddy with excitement over it. I went to Lowes to pick up a few more plants for the front of the house and I found myself bordering on bubbly with the people there. That is because I am truly pathetic and this is a highlight in my day. Possibly my week- we will see how things go from here.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling pretty good about your competency. Let's hear it for outdoor dining on a sparkly fresh deck. Everything tastes better outside. With the flowers.
