I am hoping that when the real start to summer happens the sun begins to shine more than just every fifth day. Today was the only day forecast for sometime with out rain. So we decided to pack in all the outdoor things we could into our day. We headed out for the beach. I like to take the girls to a state park called Sand Bar. It is about a 25 minute drive from our house. The sandy beach and very shallow water; plus the abundance of trees providing shade over the sand. Make it a great place to go with kids. State Parks around here conduct water tests every day to make sure the water is safe to swim in. The problem can be the excess of certain molds. Due to the heavy rain this spring it is a large problem. As the girls and I discovered this morning when we arrived at the Park to find it closed for swimming. You can imagine the idea of two children playing on a beach, but not being allowed to enter the water is not a very appealing option.
We were directed to Knights Point. Another state park about seven miles further up the road. It is smaller and the sand it not as nice, but it had the excellent feature of safe swimming water. We played here for about three hours. Although the temperature did hit 80 the wind coming off the lake was pretty intense. The girls had fun though- Alexa retreated from time to time to wrap in a towel, snack, and warm up. Chloe took to the 59 degree water just fine, and, of course, made an new friend.

Who wouldn't want a ducky floatie?
Peanut butter sandwich anyone?
Chloe floating with her ducky.
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