Tuesday, June 23, 2009

See Monday meant Tuesday

Things that I should be thankful for: one is that my house only has four sides so that means (since three are done) sooner or later these people have to be done with the month long project that has been painting my house. The painters arrived today after telling me on Friday they would be here on Monday. It was also about ten o'clock so I had the girls out playing in the yard and had begun the task of staining the deck. I figured since they are working on the front I would satin the deck only if they didn't show up today. That way I could still use the front door. I ended up staining all but a path down the middle so we could still enter and exit through the back door. I finished it tonight- after wrestling someone's Siamese cat off the deck four times, but that is another story all together.

So the girls and I headed to the library today. We were going to go there anyway, but we just made it more of an extended stay. Chloe is enrolled in the summer reading program through the library again this year. She was very excited to do it again- they read each week and go in to have their log checked and get to pick from a prize bin.

Chloe had always loved books. They are for her a complete salvation from any mood she is in and always have been. She was engrossed in books at three months of age and people would stop and tell me they had never seen so young a baby to animated at listening to a story. I could make her stop crying just by started to recite the story Owl Babies, "Once there were three baby owls..." I'll spare you all the rest.

One of the most amazing things about Chloe this summer is that part of her reading log includes books she is reading to me. She has been so proud to tell people that she reads at a first grade level. She told all the nurses at the hospital when we were there for her tests. " I am in kindergarten, but I read at a first grade level. " I told them we would work on spelling humble next. She was so proud of her report card and was determined that she was going to work this summer to amaze her first grade teacher with how well she reads. So we have been checking out "I can Read Books" for her to read to me She is really proud of herself. It is amazing to me to sit and listen to her read. She needs help with some words, but it also amazes me some of the words she gets all on her own. Yesterday she read the word "followed" to me. I couldn't believe she got it right off. It is really wonderful to watch her grow.

Now, the painter left today saying he would be here Wednesday and Thursday and that should be it. Has anyone unlocked the code to figure out which days that will really be? I could use some help planning my day.

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