Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Power of Positve Energy

I received some news today that has left me very sad. I decided to write about it with the hope that if enough people know and send good energy it will help. I have two amazing people who live next door to me. My neighbors Doug and Marty are old enough to be my parents. They are amazingly good to me. The first winter that I was on my own after my marriage ended we got this HUGE snow storm on Valentines Day. I mean it closed my school for three days! Chloe was four years old and Alexa was eleven months. That winter I had been shoveling my driveway out with Alexa in a backpack on my back. It was really hard work. That storm was so intense it would have taken me forever to open my driveway up. I think I counted three times that Doug came over with his snow blower to clear it. I never even had to ask he just did it.

The first time I ever went out on a date in ten years; Marty came over to babysit for me. She fussed over me and told me I looked beautiful. She gave me a total pep talk to get out the door. And now, of course, there is what they do for Chloe. Every morning they take Chloe into their house when I leave for work. She eats her breakfast, and then they do art projects together. Until it is time for school. Then they walk her to school. She has had the best year of school (preschool was so hard for her)and I know that it has a lot to do with the relaxed way she gets to start her day.

I was talking with Marty today as we so often do- over the backyard fence. I asked her is she was still willing to have Chloe over in the morning next year. I didn't want to presume. It is a huge commitment to have me at your door at 7 AM every morning. She mentioned that they love having Chloe in the morning, and she wants to do it forever. She said there was a small glitch. She went on to share that she has kidney disease. Marty's kidneys are failing. She is on the list for receiving a transplant. In classic Marty fashion she is more worried about who will take care of Chloe in the morning while she is recovering. She was adamant that it needs to be a very kind and loving person. I have no idea what I will do about that, but it is a problem that work out.

Marty is an amazingly kind person. She gives me regular pep talks. I can be talking to another neighbor and find out she has been talking about me and telling people that they just have to meet with me. She is like my own personal fan club. She is such a positive force in the world. I think they world needs to send Marty some good energy back.

1 comment:

  1. Made me tear up. What a beautiful relationship you share. I bet they love Chloe so very much. Wonderful stuff. I will send my positive energy and then throw in a prayer, just for kicks. :)

    I love reading your blog. Isn't it different than the last one? It seems it was a different format and wasn't blogger. I remember being slightly confused on how it worked.

    Love ya
