The house painting fairy visited! I sort of gave up that it was ever going to be finished and left town. Turns out that is the trick! Just so you can appreciate the look I included a before and after for you. I was able to get out today and plant the flowers in the boxes finally. The porch is not done. I am hoping to get to that later in the week when it suppose to be drier.


Also while we were away Alexa's tomato plant grew two small green tomatoes! She is very excited. Alexa has a long love of tomatoes (or 'matoes as she calls them). Her Grammie Eva gave her this planter and she couldn't wait to plant in it.
Alexa also learned to pump her swing! Probably only really exciting to mommy who has spent countless hours over the last few years pushing swings.
Here is a before and after of that too.
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