Friday, July 24, 2009

Things I said this morning

The following area list of statements that I have actually spoken today. Now, I know that those of you with "hypothetical children" as I like to call them probably can't relate. I know back when children were nothing more than an idea I had, my children were completely different than the ones I actually have. My hypothetical children never had tantrums in stores, fought, refused to get their shoes on or brush their teeth, etc. My real children however are so much different. It is kinda like my hypothetical husband and the real one I had, but that could just be me.

So here we go things I never imagined I would have to say:

Why aren't you wearing underwear?

Where is your underwear?

Here let me fix your crown; it fell off.

Don't do that to the dog.

Don't do that to your sister.

Don't lick people.

You aren't suppose to eat lip gloss.

Please take that out of your mouth.

Did you just eat that?

Please do not scream like that.

It is just a spider. Get the shoe.

Please take the carrot off your head.

I'm not sure Raffi music needs to be that loud.

Why is there a scarf on the dog?

Yes, that is what we are eating for lunch.

That was just this morning. I thought about keeping track for 24 hours, but my hand was cramping up.

In case you think all they did was aggravate and bicker here they are coloring a picture together.

Ahhh so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I said:

    Don't put that blueberry up your nose.

    Stop hitting me in the face.

    Don't complain to me. It's not my fault you pooped.

    Stop kicking me in the face.

    No, the shoe goes on the other foot. Other foot. Other foot. Other...never mind.

    And that was all before 8 AM.
