Chloe is at the age where a lot of children attend summer camps. Some of these camps are over nights and some are just day camps. I have students who attend one camp after another for the entire summer. These are often the same students who have multiple activities going on during the school year often two a night. As a teacher I always shake my head at these parents because their kids are often exhausted. As a parent I have no intention of involving my children in more than one or two activities a year. Enough to give them experiences, but not to the extent that our entire time as a family is spent shuttling them from on activity to the next. Besides how do you pay for all this stuff?
Never the less I have been hit this year with my first battery of, "What camps does your daughter do?" questions. So here it is... I call it Camp Mommy.
We have read aloud, water play, field trips, photography, art activities,

creative building,

cooperative group play,

and imaginative role playing that involves other household members (featured here as an evil dragon trying to attack the princess and her good friendly dragon...thus needing to be contained).

The staff is highly skilled, on call 24/7, and sadly underpaid- I vote everyone chips in to get her a nice massage.

Really who could ask for anything more out of a summer?
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