Well folks we did it. A prayer to the car gods got my car in and out in about an hour- thank you oh great and powerful Subaru people. I will say I had other plans for the $300 they charged, but considering I am running on very low sleep due to stress of fretting over my car. I am glad the- oxygen sensor- as it turned out was a quick fix. I was amazed at how quick they were I really expected a long wait given that I had no appointment. They were extremely efficient. So much so that after dropping the key with the desk. I took Alexa in to the bathroom and when I returned they had already driven my car into the garage. This concerned me a bit since the dog was still in the car. I was going to get him out when Alexa needed the bathroom and I was waylayed. The girls and I wandered our way around the building to find the garage only to see our beloved Cabbie dutifully sitting in the car being scratched on the head through the window by strangers. I explained that I was going to get him out of the car when we needed to head to the bathroom first. The mechanic was totally fine with it he said, "Well, I figured it was OK because he didn't bite me or anything, but he wasn't crazy about the lift." Poor Cabbie was hoisted up in the air on the lift! I told him the last thing Cabbie would do is bite someone. Lick, yes, bite, no.
Cabbie's adventures aside the girls and I are home and settling back into our own beds. I will venture back to Maine in about a month to infringe on my family's personal space once again.
Shall we pause for some photo highlights?
Uncle Lewis's boat!

Chloe and Grammie feed the geese, Elmer and Louise.
4th of July Parade where we got to spend time with cousin Annabel- that 4th of July wild child.

Climbing on the rocks around the beach- look at the sibling love and affection! You don't caputure that often people!
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