Thursday, July 30, 2009

Inventions I Don't Understand

I went for a six mile run this afternoon while the girls were having dinner with dad. I actually was hoping for more like 9 or 10, but it like 85 degrees out there. I know that for those of you in the West that is your low temperature, but for here that is hot and I am sooo not cut out for running in it. I cut it down to 6 and totally consumed the water I left for myself along the way in a matter of minutes. While I was running I was noticing a few things. Some things that just made me wonder who comes up with this stuff?

I know it is probably just me (usually is) but I really don't get these. One, I don't get who thought it up and thought it was a good idea. Two, they pitched the idea to other people and they thought it was a good idea too. And three, people bought it and paid money for it. Seriously I think I am missing something. So here it is the three things that I came across on my run today and I can not figure out why they were ever created.

First off capris for men. I know I brought this one up in an earlier blog the first time I saw it. I am on sighting like five now and I really, really, really, do not get this fashion choice. I must just put it out there for all the guys I know and say, "This is not a good look for you." Because frankly people it isn't a good look for anyone. It looks like you are wearing your wife/girlfriend/ sister's clothes. I mean I am OK with that if that is what you are into and all, but as a fashion choice it really does NOT work.

Secondly bike trailers for dogs. Is it just me? I passed two of them on the bike path today. One contained two dogs and they were barking the whole time. How can this be pleasant? These are not kid trailers that people stuck the dog in either. These are bike trailers for the dog. So picture the board meeting when that one got pitched. How is it possible that the majority of people in that room thought it was a good idea. I am not saying as a business idea it was bad. I mean lets look at it I saw two of them in under and hour so somebody is buying them. I just can't quite picture how you take yourself seriously talking about it.

The third thing is very similar to number two- dog strollers. Saw it- kid you not. People walking along happy as you please pushing the dog in the stroller. I was wondering doesn't it work better when you take the dog for a walk to... um.. I don't know.. actually walk the dog? Does the dog need a walk after the walk to do all the things dogs do on a walk? Just wondering.

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