Saturday, October 22, 2011

Church Street Trick-or-Treat

Today was trick-or-treating on Church Street. A really fun event where the kids get to go trick-or-treating up and down Church Street at the stores. It usually takes place the Saturday before Halloween. Which caused me to believe that it would be next weekend. Imagine my surprise when I saw the banner this past Monday indicating that it was today. You can imagine that I was even more surprised because I had only just purchased the materials to make the kids costumes the day before thinking a had a comfortable two weeks window to get them done. Fortunately Vermont schools were closed on Friday (don't question it just go with it we all did). I started making costumes when I got home from work on Thursday and finished Friday evening. I am quite proud of that effort. Alexa wanted to be a bumble bee.

Her costume came together pretty smoothly even though I completely created it free hand without a pattern. Just don't look too closely or you will see the flaws. Lots of them, but she is happy and that is what counts.

Chloe wanted to be a dog. I thought this would be a simple enough costume. I had a pattern, I figured I would make a few small adjustments to, and it would be done.

I should have known better as she decided she want to lots of spots on her costume and proceded to cut out an amazing amount of them for me to attach. I was thinking I could already feel the case of tendonitis in my wrist from the sewing when I hit upon the idea of hot glueing them on. I know lame, but it worked and with the exception of my loss of finger prints from all the hot glue mishaps they are on and look like she wanted.

They had a good time trick-or-treating.

We even found a craft table where they could make spiders with pom poms and pipe cleaners. So everyone was happy including me. I figure if I put all the effort into making the costumes; I like it if they wear them to lots of different Halloween events rather than just one night.


  1. There is no shame in hot glue.
    And, although I know the sewing was the real work, I am totally charmed by Alexa's blue antennae. It's the little things that make the difference. Like how fourteen spots is so much better than just four.

  2. The funny part is the paint bottle says black. We have no idea why they turned out blue. She painted them herself.
