Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Summer Flowers

I went around today and took some pictures of the flowers. I figure I will need this around December to remind me that there once was something other than snow piled all around me. Here are Alexa's sunflowers. They were the only problem that we encountered from Irene. They were flattened, but my mom helped her tie them back up so we can enjoy the blooms. She is hoping to gather the seeds for her hamster. We shall see if she can beat the squirrels to it.

She also has some morning glories winding their way up the deck and the sunflowers.

My flowers boxes on the shed did really well this year. The box on the left is almost completely covering the window.
We still have some things in the garden. Alexa's has one pumkin growing. I am not sure he will make it given how late he got started, but she guards him dutifully and checks on him often. She is hoping he gets made into pumkin bread.

We still have some cherry tomoatoes, although our crop was no where near what it was like last year.

The front garden has had a great year, despite my battles with the cat across the street. The zinnias have been blooming for months which is one of the great features of zinnias.

The sunflower that was planted by a squirrel has finally bloomed. I love it, but I am not sure how much longer it will be there before some drunk on their way home from downtown decides to do it in.
As fall closes in on us and the cooler tempertures settle in the garden will fade away and I will have to settle for browsing through seed catalogs to plan next year. Although there are still the fall bulbs to plant!

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