It was a birthday party weekend for the kids. They attended one yesterday and another one today. Here they are all dressed up today in their nice coats and everything. It was a fairy theme party so Alexa made sure to bring her wings, crown, and wand.

Unfortunately when we got to the party my camera batteries died. It was just as well as I was there to offer my expertise in directing small children towards activities and away from destruction of the home where they party was taking place. I took a few pictures afterwards at home though. The kids decorated fairy houses at the party. The glue didn't work so well so we got out the glue gun when we got home and attached some more pieces.

Chloe was kind enough to pose for a picture before she went up to change so you can see how wonderful she looked all dressed up. Grammie Sharon bought her this dress at an April Cornell clearance sale a few years ago and she is finally big enough to wear it.

Alexa posed too after I begged.

I think that is a pose called annoyed with mommy, but you can see she was cute as a button in her dress too. That was a Christmas gift from Grammie Eva and Alexa says it is her new favorite dress.
april cornell...