Alexa has been saving her allowance for the last four months. She committed herself to buying her own hamster. Anyone who knows me well will know how humorous a thought this is as I have no love of rodents of any kind. However, it is her money and I do see a lot of value in having your own pet to take care of. Last week we went to the pet store to see what a hamster costs. She discovered that she had more than enough money for one, so this afternoon (frigid temperatures and all) she got her hamster.
We set the cage up on her dresser in her room. As you can see she is pretty excited.

Hamsters are quite hard to get a picture of, but after a few attempts I was able to get this one.
She is yet to be named as Alexa hasn't settled on one yet. Although she has reminded us, "It is my decision to make." We do know that it is a female (so they tell me) and two months old. As you can imagine Cabbie is quite interested in her as well.
I vote for the name 'munchkin'.