On January 1, 2011, I had enough of Christmas occupying my living room and felt it was time to bid farewell to our tree. Much like Chloe's poem about what happens to a Christmas tree when Christmas is over; it made its way to the curb. We are fortunate enough that our city will pick the trees up and take them to be chipped up for wood chips. Because we still had a fair sized snow bank at the curb side the tree was stuck into the pile. I always like to do that (although Jason did actual removal) as it gives the appearance of a more tree lined street.

This morning when I woke up we had received a few inches of snow over night. Since our city is not terribly quick in picking up the trees left curbside, the tree is still there. I have to say with a nice coating of snow on it, it looks all the more a permanent fixture on the street.

Well, excepting the fact that it is beginning to tip a bit.
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