"Don't break the cookie jar," is a statement well known to my sisters and I. It is the one act that we knew would doom us to some type of horrible fate. It still does in fact as I believe my mother said it too me the last time I was visiting. So it is with a touch of irony that I tell this story. My cookie jar broke. I was not all that broken up as, unlike my mother's jar, it was not an antique of any kind. It was, however, a gift from my mother about 15 years ago. It was a cat cookie jar. At the time I had a couple of cats, so I am sure my mom saw it and thought it appropriate. In all fairness, the jar had been broken before. Years ago in a move the head (which acted as the lid) was broken and I glued it back together. A few weeks ago I went to open it and the glue finally wasn't going to hold it all together anymore and it broke some more. I decided that was it and tossed the jar into the trash. At this point Chloe burst into tears. Huge, sobbing, grief inspired tears. To which I responded, "Oh honey, it is ok we will get another jar. It isn't a big deal." The conversation that resulted was pretty amazing and really rather sweet.
We talked about what it was about this jar that was making her so sad. In Chloe's mind the jar is part of what makes our house home. It is always there on the counter, sometimes full, more often empty, but it is still there. It was probably one of the sweetest conversations I have had with the kids in awhile. We went around the house pointing out all the other things that they liked about our home. Things that make it comfortable for them. I am saddened to say I may never be able to get a new couch or replace to curtains. We did decide to go online and try to find another cat cookie jar.
I am a little disturbed to say exactly how many cat cookie jars one can find on a google search. It is a bit disturbing to say the least. However we settled on one that Chloe felt would work. So here is our new cookie jar...
I can't say that I would have in any way picked this jar, but there you have it. I probably get to look at it for another 15 years. I did decided to fill it up for them.
As you can see the cookies taste just as good in this jar as the old one.