It actually looked like it was just glued on the the wall. I was completely befuddled as to how one fixes something like this. I also am not inclined to spend money I don't have to, and electricians cost lots of money. So, I check my home repair book. Nada. Nothing explaining how to fix this little item. So I decided surely someone knows how to fix this without having to call a professional to come to my house and laugh at my ineptitude. That said, I took a picture and posted it on Facebook asking for help. Low and behold advice came, many thank yous Mike and Jason for your advice. The question now being can I do this and not electrocute myself?
TA DA! I did it!
Cool huh? I was very proud of me. I had some help from my trusty assistant who needed a few Frisbee breaks in between on this 70 degree day.
I also made a discovery when I unscrewed everything. A discovery that took me back a few years...
Side note to my ex-husband here (since you mentioned you actually read my humble little blog- and I am touched really) Remember about 5 years ago when we searched the whole yard trying to figure where the hornets that were all over the kid's swing set were coming from? And you drove yourself crazy walking around with a can of hornet spray for days? Yeah, well....
found it.
Thank you too to Brian for offering to call 911 if you didn't hear from me soon. I have now been encouraged by this success and am planning to walk all around my house taking pictures of broken things and asking how to fix them. You are all my new help line.
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