Friday, April 9, 2010

Backpack Findings

On Friday nights the girls have a sleep over at their dad's house. He picks Chloe up from after school and then comes over to get Alexa after I get home from work. I usually ask him to drop off Chloe's backpack so I can clean out her lunchbox before it starts growing things. It also means I clean out anything she brings home on Fridays in her backpack. It can be pretty entertaining. Especially since she isn't here to explain anything I find. Some of the things come from school and some she does at after school. Today I found these items...

A folder she designed containing her entire science unit on penguins. Cute Huh?

This sign: side one

side two...

cracked me up.

My personal favorite is this...

a floor plan of our house. She appears to have draw each floor on top of the other, and has everything in roughly the right spot. I found it interesting how big she drew the attic (ateck). Given that not even I have actually been in the attic it amused me to see how big she thought it was. I was also amused at the spelling at first I thought she was calling it the attack. I was really puzzled as to what was attacking the top of our house. I also noticed that her room is significantly bigger than either my room or Alexa's, and we have a batt room instead of a bathroom. My personal favorite though is the cooking room on the first floor. That's right people living room, dining room, cooking room. You know if you think about it why do we call it a kitchen anyway?

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