Sunday, April 18, 2010


We had some projects to take care of today. First we decided it was time for a new bird feeder. Well, actually I threw out the old bird feeder since it was moldy and Alexa spotted it. This made her sad and I agreed that we could get a new one. We had to make a trip to the gardening supply place anyway. So we worked to get our starving birds back to a regular food supply.

We have had a bit of a plant explosion here over the last few weeks. Remember those tomato seeds Alexa planted a couple of months back? Well….

They are getting bit crowded.

Then there are the pepper plants that the girls planted this past fall out of a green pepper I was slicing up.

They are getting a bit squished too.

I started thinking a few weeks ago that I could just build some kind of raised bed and bring really good dirt in to make a garden. Then I realized that I have no real carpentry skills, and I don’t actually own a circular saw. The carpentry skills I could probably fake; I mean we aren’t talking about a house I would be building. The saw thing though was a bit of a road block, especially when you get right down to it, those things scare me. I mean it. Right now I can safely say two out of the three (female) members of my family are rolling their eyes in disgust (the other I can’t be too sure of), but I have a real phobia of the things. So building my own was out of the question. The dirt around my house really isn’t good to plant in (at least not anything you want to eat) due to lead paint exposure and all. I looked at the raised beds for sale, and they were way out of my price range. So I opted for the large plastic planters, and we commenced the task of repotting. My helpers were really excited to get going and did a great job.

Alexa was a very nervous plant owner. She kept reminding everyone to please be careful so we wouldn’t hurt the little guys. She does appear to be in the middle of some type of rap in the picture...

They gave them a good watering (in the rain) for good measure.

Here is hoping my little plan works.

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