Sunday, April 4, 2010


Chloe woke me up at around 6AM. I was so soundly asleep I had to peer over at my alarm clock just to get a sense of exactly what time it was. As she is fond of telling anyone Easter is "My second favorite holiday." She wanted to hit the ground running. The bunny seemed not to disappoint.
He even left two tote bags for egg collecting outside and a note indicating they each had 15 eggs to find. They got right down to business.

I took a lovely photo of the sunrise lest any of you silly people missed it by, oh I don't know, sleeping.

Cabbie was even left a stuffed chicken which he took to right away.

Some of the basket highlights were foam airplanes... those were great to launch. Especially helpful if you have nice neighbors who don't mind you wandering in to their yard to fetch your stuff back when it goes zooming over the fence.

Chloe was a big fan of the kite the bunny left (one for each of them). It really wasn't kite flying weather (no wind) but nobody could convince her. She just ran up and down the yard towing it.

They were very excited to find stuffed penguins in their baskets.

And of course they were both fond of the yummy chocolate bunny. I was only moderately disturbed by Alexa eating the ears of her bunny and yelling, "Help not my ears."

We had a beautiful sunny 70 degree day. In years past they have had to wear snowsuits to collect the eggs. I hope you all had a wonderful day and got out to enjoy the sunshine.

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