So it turns out I secret identity was revealed in preschool. Alexa brought home this picture she drew in school this week. The kids were studying heroes and they were asked to draw their hero. Alexa chose me. I was pretty touched that she said that... even more so when I saw the picture.
Yep, here I am. It is titled, "My Mom, going to save people." There you have it folks, my secret super hero identity is out. Sigh... next you are all going to want a ride in my rocket car.
Green Mountain state of mind
I’m in Vermont for a couple of weeks. Between the lakefront trails and the
blueberry picking (with bagpipe accompaniment!) it’s pretty much been one
I run to heal and process life's events. I read because I believe in the power of words and that we can all learn from the stories of others. I also believe that fastest way to misery is to take ourselves too seriously.
I'd settle for borrowing your superhero headgear. Is that what gives you the secret mom know-it-all power?