Monday, February 21, 2011

It Comes in Threes...

You know that old saying bad things happen in threes? Well, I would dearly like to hope that it is accurate and that my three things are done. A few weeks ago, tired from about two feet of snow and ice piles up on top of it, my roof began to leak. I was able to get help from a friend who came and cleared a lot of snow and ice off the roof. What he wasn't able to get I was able to hire someone to get the rest. The clearing off of the snow plus warmer weather was able to stop the constant drip of water into my dining room. The ceiling now looks like this...

I am using my vacation this week to try to track down a roofer who can repair the roof before any more damage occurs.
My car may also be complaining about the tough winter as I found evidence of an antifreeze leak a little over a week ago. Luckily without having to go to work this week, I can drop it off at my mechanic down the street tomorrow for them to look at.

The third (and dare I hope final) issue was this weekend when the dryer called it quits on actually drying anything.Now granted the dryer handle is held on with duct tape and there is a lot of rust on the top of it (apparently I should get a dehumidifier into the basement).
So the fact that it decided to die shouldn't really shock me. Not to mention its washing machine partner died about two years ago, so really it was on borrowed time. I thought about calling the repair guys. However the last time I did that I ended up being without a washer for a month and a half and spent more money to repair the washer than I would have buy a new one, and it still wasn't fixed. I did consider attempting to fix the dryer myself. I looked on line and found that my dryer had 159 parts. There were diagrams explaining the dryer parts and how they all fit together.
There were three more pages with even more. Several things quickly became obvious to me #1 the odds of me figuring out what part needed to be replaced was slim to none. #2 Even if I could guess the right part figuring out this diagram, with any part of my sanity still in tact, was highly unlikely.

I decided to use my time off today to research new dryers. Specifically ones that would actually fit into my basement through the 24 inch doorway (that's with the door off the hinges). Interestingly there are only a couple that are that small. However the people from Lowes will bring it in a few weeks. Until then I get to spend the next few weekends at the Laundromat.


  1. We have had almost the exact same 3 problems around here lately. Remember how we were going to start a commune? It would have been a lot cheaper for us if we did.

  2. Bad news: That repair diagram is actually for an upright piano.
    Good news: If you just replace parts 37, 23, and 10, your dryer will be able to play Camptown Races while it dries your towels.
