Today is Columbus Day. In some places (such as daycare centers) it is a holiday. In other places (such as public schools in Vermont) it is not a holiday. As a result Alexa's daycare was closed today, but my work was not. This scenario is familiar to me as I have had to deal with using a personal day on Columbus Day for years now. I did realize however, that this was the last time I would have to do it. Next year Alexa will be in kindergarten and I will spend the day at work. So we decided to make the most of our day with just Alexa and mommy. We started our day by walking Chloe to school. She next wanted me to make her a fruit smoothie and watch me work on her Halloween costume.
As you can see things got a little crazy.

Alexa mentioned last night that she really wanted to take the dogs for a walk today. It was a little chilly this morning so we bundled up and headed out.

When we got home she wanted to head out for a bike ride. It was a great day for it since it was warming up and sunny. After heading home for lunch and a little play time in the yard, we headed back over to pick up Chloe.

Alexa wanted to round out the day by riding her scooter over to Chloe's school. She was pretty tired by the time we got home and I am predicting an early bedtime tonight!
i like the picture of Alexa with the really long leash and Lucy.